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Transformation and Development of Printing and Packaging Machinery Urgently Needs to Improve Product Value Added

Time:2024/3/31 17:06:42 Click: 8

The global economic growth has slowed down, and the printing and packaging machinery industry has also been affected by the pressure of economic growth slowdown. The profit margin has decreased compared to the same period last year, and the scale of the global printing and packaging machinery industry has shrunk. In an unfavorable economic environment, the significant increase in raw material prices in the printing and packaging machinery industry has led to a significant increase in production costs for printing and packaging machinery enterprises. It has also become the last straw that has crushed the printing and packaging machinery industry and an unbearable burden for related enterprises in the industry.

The decline in the average profit margin of the printing and packaging machinery industry will put unprecedented survival pressure on enterprises. From another perspective, the decline in the average profit margin of the printing and packaging machinery industry will force enterprises with poor profitability and non-standard development to go bankrupt or transform, which is conducive to the standardized progress of the printing and packaging machinery industry.

In addition to the increase in raw material prices squeezing the profits of enterprises and causing a decrease in their profit margins, another factor affecting the development of related enterprises in the domestic printing and packaging machinery industry is the existence of a bad atmosphere of crowding and price competition in the industry. Although enterprises have gained customers, they find it difficult to achieve profitability, obtain sustainable financial support, invest in technology research and development, and make it difficult for domestic printing and packaging machinery industry enterprises to make progress in the high-end market. As a result, a vicious cycle of development in the domestic printing and packaging machinery industry has been formed.

In the context of the shrinking scale of the global printing and packaging machinery industry, domestic printing and packaging machinery related enterprises need to explore and find new profit growth points in the fiercely competitive market, focus on reducing procurement costs and implementing refined management. At the same time, with the goal of high technology, intelligence, and modernization, accelerate the pace of enterprise technological innovation, continuously improve product quality, increase product added value, enhance the global market competitiveness of domestic enterprises, and promote the rapid development of the Chinese printing and packaging machinery industry.